Recruiting Challenges for Human Resources

Recruiting Challenges for Human Resources

As a Human Resources professional, one of the most difficult parts of the job is to keep the business staffed with quality employees. If your business has a high turnover rate, it becomes even more difficult to not only hire quality employees but also to fill what...
The 4 Day Work Week – Does It Work?

The 4 Day Work Week – Does It Work?

The idea of changing the work week from five days to four days has been a popular option for business owners and employees alike. The idea behind a four day work week does not give way to a complete overhaul of a business and its operations. Simply put, a four day...
Bring Your Resume Into 2018 With These Tips

Bring Your Resume Into 2018 With These Tips

In today’s day and age, it is of utmost importance that your resumes is pristine and demonstrates all of the skills you can bring to a job. Hiring managers look through hundreds, sometimes thousands of resumes each week to try and find the best candidates for the job....
Team Exercises Your Team Will Actually Enjoy

Team Exercises Your Team Will Actually Enjoy

We all know the kind of team exercises that make our stomachs turn and have us wishing we would have called in sick the day of. While the sentiment behind these exercises is a noble one, no one wants to build trust by falling onto a co-worker hoping they catch them....