Negotiating When Offered The Job

Negotiating When Offered The Job

Many people who are seeking professional careers at first may not even consider the possibility of negotiating a price with a company. Unfortunately, through this, you may be leaving money on the table and undervaluing yourself as a professional. Fortunately, there...
Recruitment Agencies In The Wake of AI

Recruitment Agencies In The Wake of AI

Artificial intelligence has infiltrated our everyday lives. What we once thought was a sci-fi fantasy is beginning to become a reality. In recent years artificial intelligence has been the headline of almost all publications. AI is already working for some major...
The Skills Needed To Be a Great Recruiter

The Skills Needed To Be a Great Recruiter

With the job market as hot as it is right now, more and more companies are turning to internal and external recruiters to help find top-talent. With this increased demand in the workforce, there has been a trickle down effect and colleges and universities have seen an...